Endless bidding & winning
Brookpark Road

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How the Auction Works

Our stock comes from a multitude of circumstances. Items are shelf pulls, overstock, or returns. Each item is listed with a condition notation for more information


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About Us

Online Liquidation Auction LLC., also known as OLA, First brought innovation to the online shopping experience in 2014

As online liquidators of some of the world’s largest and well known retailers, our mission is to auction mainstream products for a fraction of the price. We buy customer returns and overstock by the truckload, and each item is carefully inspected to ensure full disclosure of the condition of what you’re bidding on.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Does it cost money to bid?

It is completely free to download the app, make an account, and place bids. Bidders are charged upon winning an item.

Where can I find items and bid?
The OLA app is only available on the App Store and Google Play store and is free to download. All items are posted on the app and all purchases will be made within the app. At this time bidding is only available through the mobile app.
What type of merchandise does OLA sell?

Our items are from mainstream retrailer and come from a multitude of circumstances, shelf pulls, overstock, used returns, etc. Our staff uses specific condition notations and photographs to disclose the state of each item that is listed.

Will OLA ship to me?

OLA offers nationwide shipping on select items that we sell. We can ship anywhere within the lower 48 states.

Are there auction fees?

All purchases will be charged with a $2.00 items fee and 15% auction premium. Corresponding county tax will apply based on location.

Do I need a credit card to browse items?

All items are public to view and easy to browse through. You will not be able to place a bid on any items until an account is created and a valid form of payment is on file.